Could you be seduced by a 99c #Crown? #cougar #romance #royal #b
Here's a treat - SEDUCTION OF CROWNS a roller coaster cougar romance on a Kindle Countdown deal at 99c/99p for one week only (11-18th Feb...
A $500 #giveaway feast of #romance for the love season
Hey, Peeps, today I'm sharing a fantastic St Valentine's Giveaway. It's featuring my half price suspense romance box-set - grab 3 hot...
Boxing Clever >>>>> Save over $7 on this #bargain #romance collection, #FREE on #Kind
Details of an exciting new bargain Boxset of steamy Romance Suspense novels from Emma Calin.
Supporting Authors: Peter Mulraney and the Stella Bruno Investigates Series @PeterMulraney1
Welcome this week to Australian crime thriller author Peter Mulraney, a guest post by the man behind the Stella Bruno Investigates...
Rekindling a tired #romance... well not exactly - but maybe a #recipe for love.
It's more of a re-branding in truth. Here's the cover reveal for the new book artwork for my SEDUCTION SERIES (Previously the Passion...
Where do your stories come from? Guest post by Paul Toolan @ptoolan1
Welcome today to Paul Toolan, a fellow Brit author. His new book A View From Memory Hill is out now. A fascinating collection of short...
Supporting Authors - Crime Fiction About An Undercover Cop, By a Former Undercover Cop @StephenBentl
Today I'm supporting the BooksGoSocial Army of Authors Blog Tour with a guest post from author Stephen Bentley. The Amazon blurb makes...
Supporting Authors - Kitty Boyes, Her Brother's Keeper Book Launch
Have you ever helped out a stranger only to have it turn your normal life into something that resembles a nightmare? Arina did. Blurb...
A digital virgin shows how to reignite old love affairs.
Being an author I'm genetically perfected to accept setbacks, rejection and disappointment and that's just making a trip to Walmlmar
Kindle Book Launch of Love Bleeds Blue, 99c/99p intro price & prize draw #romance, #satire #read
Brand new, out today LOVE BLEEDS BLUE is available on Amazon Worldwide, at a special intro price of 99c/99p for a limited time only....