VIP Reader - Eve from Puerto Rico
Today I am delighted to feature another one of my cool VIP readers - this time from the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico.
Let me introduce - Eve. She's passionate about reading and has already reviewed a number of my books. You can find them on the following links:
I asked Eve if she would share more information about her life and how books and reading fit in to her schedule. I sent her some questions and here are her replies.......
1. Where in the world do you live
I live in the most wonderful place in the world the Caribbean. (Puerto Rico). I traveled when I was working but now as a retired person I want to visit Central & South America, especially PERU.
2. How do you spend your days? I try to read 4 parts of books daily, you'll always find me with a Book, Kindle or Mobile. I'm always moving about: at the house, doing the dishes, cleaning, cooking, playing with my dog, etc. Also, two days a week I pick up my little niece at College and help her if she has assigments. In between that at their house, I cook, clean dishes, play with my nieces doggie.
Also, I put my laptop at the stove side and read. I review for authors, as a hobby, (check grammar, action, if they need anything more or less, characters, etc. from a reader's viewpoint). I write reviews for readers without giving away the end (that's not funny). The difference is that not everybody knows how to review. I like to review in a positive way. You can say 'this is bad' without using those exact words.
I'm always checking out books of my interest. I read almost everything, but for authors I have a very strict list of what I wont review. I love to buy books and to receive free ones for an honest review. To review you need to be honest, no matter if the book is free or paid for. 3. What is your passion? What do you enjoy doing when you're not working/caring/doing chores?
My passion is my family and my books. I enjoy reading whatever my heart desires. I like to lose myself in the book and don't like someone interrupting me. Try it and I just lose my temper - I can be a true witch! 4. Where do you like to read?
At my favorite chair in the Family Room, alone, so that nobody bothers me. 5. What is your favorite book of all time and what is it about this book that you love My favorite book in spanish: "Cien Años de Sokedad" by Gabriel García Márquez. It reminds me of the political situation in my country, but also to dream. My favorite book In english: Any book written by Heather Graham (psychic themes are great) or Robert Patterson ( spies or action is my thing too).
Thank you so much Eve, for taking the time to share your world of reading from Puerto Rico, and for the photos of your books and home. Thank you also for taking the trouble to read and share your reviews of my stories.
Emma x