Boxing Clever >>>>> Save over $7 on this #bargain #romance collection, #FREE on #Kind
Suspense Romance Stories, Gritty Short Stories and Modern Interactive Fairy Tales For Children...
Supporting Authors: Peter Mulraney and the Stella Bruno Investigates Series @PeterMulraney1
Rekindling a tired #romance... well not exactly - but maybe a #recipe for love.
Where do your stories come from? Guest post by Paul Toolan @ptoolan1
Supporting Authors - Crime Fiction About An Undercover Cop, By a Former Undercover Cop @StephenBentl
Supporting Authors - Kitty Boyes, Her Brother's Keeper Book Launch
Kindle Book Launch of Love Bleeds Blue, 99c/99p intro price & prize draw #romance, #satire #read
Early #review for LOVE BLEEDS BLUE #romance & #suspense @winmillp
Congratulations on a 5 Star book launch for the new John Milton Thriller from Mark Dawson @pbackwri
The Wind Weeps - 1st in Series is now #FREE #romance by @anneli33