Suspense Romance Stories, Gritty Short Stories and Modern Interactive Fairy Tales For Children...
My Christmas Gift To You
The Passion Patrol 2019 Calendar
12 months with dates and days
Seduction Series Covers,
Seduction Series Quotes
and Seduction Series Heroes
Calendar 1 – For the more widescreen monitor. Will fit sizes 1024 x 576 up to 1366 x 768.
Calendar 2– For the more “square-shaped” monitor. Will fit sizes 1024 x 768 up to 1365 x 1024.
How to Download and Use the Calendar:
Click the link on the file of your choice above (it should open the file in a new tab/window so you don't lose your place here).
Download the zip file to your device.
Open the zip file to reveal the images for each month.
Save Files in a location where you can easily find them or wherever you normally store desktop background images (also depending on your browser, you may have to name the files something more recognizable than “download.jpg”).
How to use your new wallpaper image varies depending on your operating system. Here are some instructions…​
Windows 8 – Scroll down to “Customizing your lock screen”